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  • call<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, transaction: TransactionCall, blockNumber?: BlockNumberOrTag, returnFormat: ReturnFormat): Promise<string>

  • Executes a message call within the EVM without creating a transaction. It does not publish anything to the blockchain and does not consume any gas.

    Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat


    • web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>

      (Web3Context) Web3 configuration object that contains things such as the provider, request manager, wallet, etc.

    • transaction: TransactionCall

      A transaction object where all properties are optional except to, however it’s recommended to include the from property or it may default to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 depending on your node or provider.

    • blockNumber: BlockNumberOrTag = web3Context.defaultBlock

      (BlockNumberOrTag defaults to Web3Eth.defaultBlock) - Specifies what block to use as the current state of the blockchain while processing the transaction.

    • returnFormat: ReturnFormat

      (DataFormat defaults to DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT) - Specifies how the return data from the call should be formatted.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The returned data of the call, e.g. a smart contract function’s return value.